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Resep: Masakan Nasi Ayam Geprek Sambel terasi

Nasi Ayam Geprek Sambel terasi.

Nasi Ayam Geprek Sambel terasi You can have Nasi Ayam Geprek Sambel terasi using 16 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Nasi Ayam Geprek Sambel terasi

  1. Prepare of Ayam crispy:.
  2. You need 300 gr of dada ayam.
  3. You need of Tepung basah (serbaguna + air).
  4. Prepare of Telur kocok.
  5. You need of Tepung kering (serbaguna).
  6. You need of Sambal:.
  7. You need 2 siung of bwg merah.
  8. Prepare 2 siung of bwg putih.
  9. You need 5 bh of tomat cherry.
  10. You need 5 bh of cabe rawit.
  11. You need 2 bh of cabe keriting.
  12. You need of Bahan lain:.
  13. It's of Minyak goreng.
  14. It's 3/4 sdm of terasi.
  15. You need 1 sdt of garam.
  16. You need 1 sdt of gula.

Nasi Ayam Geprek Sambel terasi step by step

  1. Goreng smua bahan sambal. Lalu ulek smua bahan tambahkan terasi garam dan gula. Juga sdkt minyak. Sisihkan.
  2. Ambil ayam. Potong sesuai selera. Celupkan di tepung basah. Lalu tepung kering. Celupkan ke telur dan tepung kering lg. Sedikit cubit2 biar kulitnya garing. Lalu goreng hingga keemasan..
  3. Ambil ayam lalu geprek diatas sambal..
  4. Sajikan dg selada, timun atau tahu sesuai selera.